New study reveals what dogs most enjoy watching on TV

New study reveals what dogs most enjoy watching on TV New study reveals what dogs most enjoy watching on TV (Photo: sq lim/Unsplash)

Does your dog enjoy watching television? According to a new study, your furry friend might indeed have a preference for a specific type of program.

The research, conducted by veterinary ophthalmologists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, aimed to discover which images on television piqued canine curiosity.

After surveying about 1,600 households, scientists found that dogs prefer to tune in to canine programs, animal shows, and even animated versions.

According to the researchers, programs featuring humans, such as news broadcasts, were not well-received by dogs. “Some cartoons were definitely rated much higher than humans,” explained veterinarian Dr. Ross Bernstein.

The study also found that the older a dog gets, the less interested it becomes in screens. Knowing when changes occur in vision could lead to better treatments, and owners would know earlier when to adjust their pets’ environment.

However, the goal of the study is not to boost puppy viewership. The aim is to develop more sophisticated ways of testing your dog’s eyes. Current vision tests performed in veterinary clinics provide only the most basic information.

“The first thing I would do would be called ‘threat response.’ You pretty much put your hand in front of their eyes and see if they blink or not,” said Bernstein, who also spoke about the nerve reflex test: “We just touch around their eyes, and they should blink.”

For now, the expert emphasized the importance of annual veterinary check-ups. “To make sure their eyes are healthy, tear production is normal, there are no scratches or abrasions on the eye surface,” he said.

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